Blocked and Ready To Go

05 Feb 2019

The Playground

People are always so hesitant and unsure of themselves when entering a new playground. It’s overwhelming at first, having to get used to all these new things and rules.

Basic Steps

Coding standards certainly make everything easier to read. With different programs being written the same, the only thing we would have to worry about is understanding how they all work together. With the way I see it, code is like learning a different language and the coding standards is the grammar.

While ESLint may be a bit more stricter than the typical language structure, I think it would help in learning a programming language. At first, the strict rules might get in the way of learning the syntax, when having to remember all the strict rules, but eventually, after we get used to it, we can focus on learning how they all fit together.

Piecing It Together

The green checkmark in IntelliJ is nice, it’s a good way to whether or not everything’s up to standards. And, it’s nice to be reminded from time to time that you’re doing a good job.

Coding standards don’t really give you room to have it written your way, like some people prefering to have the curly brace on the same line and others and a new line, but that’s also a good thing. Some may not like it, but it also prevents people from writing their code in a way that makes it difficult for others to read.