Final Project

26 Mar 2019


The Problem

The problem is that students have trouble organizing projects and appointments together. There are many different websites with many different uses, that it could get overwhelming sometimes.

The Solution

The solution would be to create a website the has it all in one place.

Mockup page ideas

Landing Page

This page welcomes all visitors to the webpage.

Sign in/Sign Up

This page allows people to acces the website and all it’s features.

Team Members

This page allows you to view who is on your team and displays all the contacts.


This page allows you to view all appointments and planned meetings.

Appointment Setup

This page allows you to suggest meeting times and vote on when is most appropriate.

Leader Appointment Setup

This page allows the initial inviter to either accept or reject meeting time ideas.


This page allows all team members to create notes and edit notes from all team members.

Use case ideas

New user goes to landing page, logs in, is invited into team.

Admin (Team leader) goes to loanding page, logs in, invites others, accepts/rejects ideas.

User goes to landing, logs in, checks calander, checks appointment setup, and adds/edits notes.

Beyond the basics

After implementing basic ideas, some ideas are to have a feature where users accept the invite or request to be invited to a team. And possibly make it possible to have multiple groups one user could be in.